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Is it Really Too Good to be True?: A Skeptic's Take on Passive Income

I'm so sick of scrolling through Tik Tok, finding nothing but "Easy Ways to Make Passive Income in 2023" videos. They're everywhere. And now they're calling it "Digital Marketing"... isn't that just... marketing?

As you can tell, I'm fairly skeptical when it comes to anything that feels like a pyramid scheme or anything with a get-rich-quick undertone to it. These creators come on and rattle off "6 Ways to Make Money Online from Home" like it's so easy.

My question to them is this:

If you're making so much online (with such little effort), why are you spending any of your time or energy making this video? Why do you so desperately want me to like/save/share this video if you're already making thousands and thousands of dollars *passively* online? Why do you need a social media following, and what are you selling me?

These are the questions that roll around in my mind as I watch video after video on Tik Tok and YouTube.

Then, I can't help but ask myself: If you're so skeptical, why do you keep watching? What is it about this idea of earning passive income that keeps me coming back for more?

It's got this undeniable grip on me. What's not to love? The idea that you could literally earn money in your sleep. Are you kidding me?

My husband and I are both high school teachers and coaches in Texas. We work extremely hard, and we both absolutely love what we do. We are looking to grow our family and actively trying to conceive. I also have a long-time dream of adopting a baby. Even as I type this, all I can think of are dollar signs. It's just part of it. Adoption is incredibly expensive, just like people say it is. Trust me - I've done extensive research on it! And I'm a 35 year-old woman trying to conceive. So all the baby blogs have me convinced that it'll take thousands of dollars and multiple rounds of IVF to get me pregnant.

Regardless of what my ovaries decide to do, adoption is expensive, pregnancy is expensive, and babies are expensive.

This brings us right back to where we started. Passive income feels like a key that could help unlock this puzzle that is: doing what I love, building the family I want, and experiencing financial freedom.

I plan to spend the rest of 2023 looking under every rock, investigating every single little corner of the internet for ways to create streams of passive income for my family. And I'm going to report back here, to this blog, all along the way!

If you're like me, a hardworking (hopefully soon-to-be) mom and wife, just looking for ways to set you and your family up for financial success, follow along with me here! I promise I'll share the truth about whatever I'm able to uncover when it comes to passive income. No gatekeeping over here... at least that's what the kids say.

Man. I'm getting old!

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